For 82 years, the program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been a lifesaving tool for millions around the globe. No other method of addiction recovery has borne as much fruit. That is not say that there is only one way to recover from alcohol or substance use disorders. But, the 12-Steps have shown the most efficacy when it comes to aiding people in achieving long-term recovery. Between “The Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous, the main text used by members of the program, and a fellowship of men and women working towards a common goal. Helping each other practice the principles of the programs in all the affairs. It could be argued that those who turn to the 12-Steps have the best chance of turning their life around.
At Immersion Recovery Center, the mission is to go above and beyond the average addiction treatment facility regarding introducing clients to the Steps. Each unique, but equally important. Many, if not most, rehab centers which utilize this modality typically introduce and walk clients through the first three steps:
- We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.
- Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
- Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
There are likely a couple reasons for the brief introduction, focusing on the first three Steps. It is often the case facilities expect you will have a sponsor by the time you are moving on from treatment. That is, going on to work the Fourth Step, with said sponsor.
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Getting Beyond the Fourth Step
Clients have good intentions upon discharge. But, what often ends up happening is they get to Step 4 and their momentum comes to a stop. The inventory, while liberating, can be such an eye-opening experience about one’s own life that many people would rather not have come eye to eye with their errors in thinking. Given the choice they would avoid identifying with the help of another, their part in the self-destructive story of their life. Realizing that when the curtain is lifted, the wizard of our problems is oneself. Self. That while others may have wronged us in the past, they are not responsible or at fault for the decisions we made.
Our Treatment Services Include
Failing to get beyond the Fourth Step is almost a guaranteed ticket to relapse. No other step hangs up more people. Yet without making the courageous move to work this vital step, one cannot move on to the important steps that follow. Addressing character defects, shortcomings and then own up to the amends process. And beyond…
Current clients and former clients are often reticent about making a searching and fearless moral inventory upon leaving treatment. Therefore, going beyond Step 3 while in treatment is logical. Not only do clients have decades of faculty experience to draw upon when it comes to the minutiae of the steps, treatment is a safe environment to be in for when (not if) the demons of addiction resist your decision to look the disease in the eye.
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New Understandings and Beyond Treatment
At Immersion Recovery Center, we believe that the 12-Steps are one’s best opportunity at living a life in recovery. To be sure, we are unique in many ways, but most noticeably in the fact that we walk clients all the way through Step 7. Which is where you humbly ask your Higher Power (a force or being that is greater than you) to remove your shortcomings. We will show you how to work the steps into your life. It is often said that the 12-Steps are not just for getting clean and sober, rather they’re a model for living a healthy, productive and spiritual existence. One that is not governed by fear, but by hope and love.
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Don’t Suffer Any Longer
Please contact us today if you are ready to begin the lifesaving process of addiction recovery. Joining a fellowship of millions of people who share the common goal of life. Recovery is possible, but we can’t do it alone. At Immersion, we look forward to being a part of your recovery story.
Reviewed for accuracy by :
Susan Shirley
Serving as the Inpatient Clinical Director at Immersion Recovery Center, Susan will work directly with staff members, clients, and family members to ensure the clinical program remains as effective and individualized as possible. Susan is no stranger to the fields of behavioral health and addiction. She has over 25 years of experience, working in an inpatient setting, an outpatient setting, acute stabilization and nearly all other settings in the realm of addiction recovery.